*Note: I created the most of the tutorials using the Roboblitz and Gears of War editors. Based on the engine, and the version, some properties specified may be in slightly different locations than what is displayed in the screenshots.

If you need to learn how to create a basic map I would reccomend:
For UT99, UT2K3 & UT2K4: the Unreal Wiki.
For UT3: Waylon's Tutorials.

Common Interactives - Enabling/Disabling Events/Triggers

Uses: Basically, if there's a situation where you want to 'turn off' a trigger, or more specifically, an event based on a trigger, for a period of time, or simply forever, there are four primary methods for doing so.

*Note: You are not actually enabling/disabling the trigger. You are Enabling/Disabling the Event itself in Kismet.

One-Time Use: If you have, let's say, a trigger tied to a 'Touch' event, and you only want it to go off once, the easiest way to do so is to set the Events' MaxTiggerCount to 1, which is what it is by default. If you also want it to 'Untouch' once, then set the MaxTriggerCount to 2 - 1 for the touch, and 1 for the untouch.

Multiple Use: There are thre primary ways to do this. The first way is with Toggles, the second with a gate, and the last with variables.

Toggles: Basically, the system will be an event that fires off a trigger touch event, that will then route into a toggle to turn off the event. Then, after a delay, the signal will go back into the toggle and turn the touch event back on. The delay I have is basically where you would put all the stuff that the trigger event is firing off. Also, set the MaxTriggerCount to 0 so it can be triggered again and again and again. Like so:

Gates: Gates are fantastic tools. In this situation, we'll use a trigger touch and untouch. Let's pretend we have something that can be used, but we don't want it used, unless a player is outside of a certain location. We'll set up a trigger used event, and a trigger touch event, and then we'll add a gate. In this example, we won't actually be disabling the event. We'll allow the trigger to fire as often as it likes, but we're going to stop the signal from proceeding until the player leaves the area - the untouch event fires. Then the Used Event can proceed through and fire off the delay. Again, the delay is where the special stuff would happen. Remember to set the MaxTriggerCounts to 0 so they can fire again and again. Like so:

Variables: There are a few ways we can do this. Basically we're going to use variables to determine if a player is in a location and, if so, allow a Used event to fire based on that determination.

If you're dealing with a simple situation where you only need to measure 1 player, then you could use Boolean variables. Let's set it up so that True = inside, and False = outside. They player will be outside by default so the initial value will be false. When the player tries to use the trigger, we'll Compare the boolean, and if it's set to inside, we'll allow the signal through. If the player's outside, we won't do anything. Like this:

If we need to measure multiple players, booleans won't quite cut it using this method. So we'll change to integers. Whenever a player enters the area, the integer count will go up by 1, and whenever they leave, it will go down by one. When the player uses the trigger, we'll Compare the B value to the A value which is controlled by the set integer actions. if the integer is 1 or more, it will allow the event to fire. Like so:

None of these methods is 'better' or 'worse' than any of the others. You'll just need to figure out which one is better suited to what exactly you're trying to do.