*Note: I created the most of the tutorials using the Roboblitz and Gears of War editors. Based on the engine, and the version, some properties specified may be in slightly different locations than what is displayed in the screenshots.

If you need to learn how to create a basic map I would reccomend:
For UT99, UT2K3 & UT2K4: the Unreal Wiki.
For UT3: Waylon's Tutorials.

Common Interactives - Volumes

I have set up a simple test map consisting of a slab of BSP, a skylight, a playerstart, a skydome, and a directional light.

I will only be using default editor assets which can be found in the EditorMeshes and EditorMaterials packages.

Volumes are fairly simple to deal with in Kismet but there are some limitations. You can activate/deactivate them - as shown - using just about anything.

T here are some important rules to remember.

One question to ask yourself is: Is it on or off when the level begins?
Many volumes do not have a 'bEnabled' boolean in their properties. So if you need the volume to be 'off' when the level starts, you might need an additional event that will fire at the start of the map to turn the volume off manually.

Another property to watch out for is: Can the volume move?
If a volume does not have a 'Movement' property in its settings, then you cannot move it via matinee, or otherwise.

So depending on what you want to do to it, check its properties to see if you can. If it doesn't have a Movement section, you can't animate it. And check for a 'bEnabled' flag - if it doesn't have one, you'll probably need to turn it off manually.