*Note: I created the most of the tutorials using the Roboblitz and Gears of War editors. Based on the engine, and the version, some properties specified may be in slightly different locations than what is displayed in the screenshots.

If you need to learn how to create a basic map I would reccomend:
For UT99, UT2K3 & UT2K4: the Unreal Wiki.
For UT3: Waylon's Tutorials.

Common Interactives - Lift: Button

I have set up a simple test map consisting of a slab of BSP, a skylight, a playerstart, a skydome, and a directional light.

I will only be using default editor assets which can be found in the EditorMeshes and EditorMaterials packages.

I will be using Movers/Interpactors (the terms are interchangeable) that are sometimes animated through Matinee. If you need to learn Matinee, I would recommend Hourences' Tutorial on them as a starting point.

I added the default mesh cube as a static mesh to the map, converted it to an interpactor, and then made it very thin vertically. The pivot is in the center and I will only animate it up and down.

*Note: Pivots/Origin points on StaticMeshes serve as the 'hinge points' for interpactors. If you need to create a door, or other moveable object that revolves, rotates, or swings on an edge, you'll need to be aware of the mesh's pivot/origin location. It is impossible to re-assign this pivot permanantly in the engine. For mesh placement, you can currently temporarily assign the pivot to a new location, but when you're done, the pivot will be back at the origin. If you find a mesh that you want to use as a swinging door, and its pivot is in the center, you are out of luck. The origin is determined when the mesh is created in a 3D Modeling application - not in the Unreal Editor.

Button Lifts: This kind of lift raises and/or lowers when a player interacts with a button to activate the lift. I've set up a very simple system.

Let's use the 'Cooking' analogy I outlined in the Applications introduction to set this up:

1) What are we making? A Button Lift.

2) Gather the ingredients:
Interpactor (lift)
Interpactor (button)
Trigger (button)
Trigger Used Event

3) Put it together. I've created a wall with an indentation and placed the interpactor at the bottom of the indentation. I also added a smaller interpactor for the button off to the right with a trigger over it with small radii. I overrode the interpactor's material with a brighter one.

On the kismet side of things, I am going to create a matinee to control the mover. I'll also create a trigger Used Event to fire it off. I'll deactivate the aim to interact and playeronly, and I'll set the max trigger count to 0 so the player can use it repeatedly. Now, what happens if a player sits at the trigger and hits use repeatedly? To prevent this screwing up the matinee, I'll add a gate to 'turn off' the signal to the matinee, and a delay to turn it back on which I'll set to twice the matinee length - one for up and one for down. I'll also add a delay to the end of the matinee and loop that into the reverse to bring the lift back down after the delay time. Finally, since the switch is outside the lift, I'll put a delay after the use event so the player has time to get on the lift. Instead of a gate I could use two toggles - one to turn off the Used event after it's fired, and one to turn it back on. Same functionality, different scripting.

4) Test it. Go in game and test it out. It worked fine for me.

5) Refine it. First, think about the collison and lighting and get those fixed. Then consider any potential issues. What happens if its closing while the player is running through it? Does it squash the player, or re-open? Let's steal something from the 'Mover' Event to help with this.

Select the interpactor door and add a 'Mover' event in kismet. Delete the new matinee it creates, and on our existing matinee, unhide all connectors. Now, hook the 'HitActor' of the move event up to the 'change dir' on the matinee. Now, whenever the lift hits a player, it will change direction. You could easily hook the 'HitActor' event up to a cause damage in addition to the change direction, or just cause damage.

But what if the player stands under the lift causing it to change direction, but then starts hitting the button? The 6 second delay I have will get used up and the player will be able to send the lift back up before it reaches the bottom again. To prevent this, I am going to add some booleans to help the system determine if the lift is open or closed, and therefore control when the button can be used again. I'll also remove the 6 second delay. Now, when the trigger is used, it will compare the boolean. If the answer is false, it reads the elevator as 'Up' and will do nothing. If the elevator is down, which it is by default, it will allow the signal through to the 2 second delay, and will will set the boolean as 'Up'. The rest is pretty much the same, except that the boolean will be set to 'Down' only after the matinee is aborted - at the end of the lift moving down. Now, even with the change direction if a player is underneath it, the boolean will only go back to 'Down' when the mover reaches the bottom. The player can hit the Use button as much as they like, but the lift will only work in its down position.

Normally, if we wanted to add sounds, we could add them through the interpactor itself. However, since we have a matinee with the possibility of interruptions - the change dir - it might not function properly. So I'll add event tracks to the matinees, and trigger the sounds manually through PlaySound actions. One will be for the up, one for the down, and I'll add one more for the change direction. I'll target the lift itself for the sounds to play from. If the player bumps the lift, I'll also have to turn off the sound of it lowering and activate a raising sound. I've also hidden unused connectors to try and keep it looking less complicated.

The system seems to be working ok, but I'd like to add a visual cue that the button is activating/deactivating. This is why I originally converted them to interpactors. If we really wanted to go all out, we could create matinees for each of them and have them sink into the wall slightly, as if they've been pressed, but instead, I'll simply do a SetMaterial switch on them between a light and a dark material. We want them to darken when they cannot be pressed, and lighten when they can. So when the Used is triggered, it will set the material to something dark. When the system is open again and it can be used, we'll set the material back to light. We'll set the target of the material swap to the button interpactors. I'll also add a toggleable light and place it in front of the button to match up with the activate/deactivate of the material swap.

At this point, the system is pretty much where I want it to be. We have a lift activated by a button, that will re-open if a player gets in the way, sounds correct, and the button visually indicates if it can be used or not.

6) Adjust it for Single/Multiplayer. As you may have read in the SinglePlayer/Co-op/MultiPlayer section, there are many considerations to take into account for whichever system you're setting this up for. The system as it stands might be ok for single-player and multiplayer both. But you chould still ask yourself some questions. What happens if two players are fighting while the lift is moving? Actually, it looks like that might be ok. What if there's a button at the top too and they both hit the button? Well, if the second button is set up properly with the compare boolean, it should only send one signal through so... that seems ok. If you want enemy NPCs to operate the left, you'll need to add something that allows AI to interact with the button. Otherwise, the system looks pretty complete as is. Unless you want to attach items or emitters to the system...