*Note: I created the most of the tutorials using the Roboblitz and Gears of War editors. Based on the engine, and the version, some properties specified may be in slightly different locations than what is displayed in the screenshots.

If you need to learn how to create a basic map I would reccomend:
For UT99, UT2K3 & UT2K4: the Unreal Wiki.
For UT3: Waylon's Tutorials.

Scripted Destruction - Breaking Glass

I have set up a simple test map consisting of a slab of BSP, a skylight, a playerstart, a skydome, and a directional light.

I will only be using mostly default editor assets which can be found in the EditorMeshes and EditorMaterials packages.

I will be using Movers/Interpactors (the terms are interchangeable) that are sometimes animated through Matinee. If you need to learn Matinee, I would recommend Hourences' Tutorial on them as a starting point.

I added a glass mesh that I found in the HU_Deck package in the SM/Meshes subfolder (S_HU_Deck_SM_FWindow_Glass). In order to 'break' glass, there are several methods to do so. I will only cover the simpler way at this point. There are other more 'realistic' methods, but their cost in terms of performance still mostly outweighs their 'eye-candy' benefit. If you absolutely must have a more 'realistic' method, then I would highly reccomend doing so in limited, isolated circumstances.

*Note: Using the Destruction tutorial, you should be able to put this together yourself using the informaiton provided there. In fact, I challenge you to. However, there are always so many requests for this particular feature that I feel a little complelled to provide a tutorial on it.

Breaking Glass: When the player, or bots, shoot the glass, it will cause it to break. I've set up a very simple system.

Let's use the 'Cooking' analogy I outlined in the Applications introduction to set this up:

1) What are we making? Breaking Glass.

2) Gather the ingredients:
1 Interpactor (Glass)
2 Emitters (Glass Shards)
1 Destroy Action
1 Toggle Action
1 Take Damage Event
1 PlaySound Action

3) Put it together. I've placed the interpactor/glass, and created a small BSP 'frame' around it. Then I placed the two emitters in the middle of the glass, a little ways away from each other so the effect when the glass breaks seems to come from the whole sheet. I turned off 'AutoActivate' in the emitters' properties.

On the kismet side of things, I am going to create a "Take Damage' event based on the interpactor (make sure its collision is set to bBlockAll). I'll then destroy the interpactor, and turn on the emitters. For the Take Damage event, I made sure to set the MaxTriggerCount to 0, I turned down the DamageThreshold to 50, and unchecked the PlayerOnly box. I then added a playsound event to play the sound of breaking glass when the system is triggered.

4) Test it. Go in game and test it out. It worked fine for me.

5) Refine it. First, think about the collison and lighting and get those fixed. Then consider any potential issues. Honestly, I can't think of any issues here.

But what if we want it to come back after a certain amount of time. How do we 'respawn' it? The answer is that we don't. Instead of respawning it and trying to finagle its rotation, settings, placement, etc... let's just give the illusion that it's gone so we can bring it back whenever we want. Let's go back to Step 2 and add some ingrediants to the recipe:

2) Gather more ingredients:
1 Toggle
2 Toggle Hidden
2 Change Collision
1 Delay

3) Put it together. When the Take Damage event fires, it will turn itself off using a toggle. At the same time, we'll change the collision and turn the collision off on the glass (I unchecked the Block Actors and Collide Actors boxes in the change collision action). Also, we'll hide the mesh with the toggle hidden, and we'll toggle on the emitters. Then, we'll delay 60 seconds using the delay. If you wanted, you could randomize the delay by hooking up a random float to the delay's target. Coming out of the delay, we'll unhide the mesh, turn its collision back on (check off Block Actors and Collide Actors in the change collision action) and we'll turn the Take Damage event back on using the toggle.

4) Test it. Go in game and test it out. It worked fine for me.

5) Refine it. First, think about the collison and lighting and get those fixed. Then consider any potential issues. Honestly, I can't think of any issues here.

6) Adjust it for Single/Multiplayer. As you may have read in the SinglePlayer/Co-op/MultiPlayer section, there are many considerations to take into account for whichever system you're setting this up for. The system as it stands might be ok for single-player and multiplayer both. But you chould still ask yourself some questions. What happens if one or more players are actually in the window area while it's broken, and it comes back? Honestly, I don't know - you'll have to find out yourself.

Looking for something more realistic?
The following is certainly possible but, again, I reccomend against it solely for performance reasons.
Instead of the simple way above, and if you can model, it is possible to create a 'pre-broken' glass pane, and import the pieces individually. Then you can set them up as KActors and reassemble them in the ediotr to show an 'unbroken' piece of glass. You can then hook them up to respond to take damage events, assign their material a glass physical material, and allow them to be shot out individually.
Potential Problems with this method:
- No 'breaking glass' emitter. You'd have to hook up many, if not all, of the Kactors to a toggle to toggle on some emitters, and there will probably be shooting, falling glass, and emitter firing timing discrepancies that will look odd.
- Floaters: If you have enough pieces, it might be possible to shoot out individual pieces but have some left over 'floating' unrealistically. To get around this, I would suggest hook take damage events to each piece, and have every one of them set off one RB_RadialImpulse that will knock all of them out.

If you want glass shard left over around the edges, you'll need two meshes - one for the whole, and one for the broken. You can easily have the broken-edged one hidden and then unhide it when the take damage event goes off.