*Note: I created the most of the tutorials using the Roboblitz and Gears of War editors. Based on the engine, and the version, some properties specified may be in slightly different locations than what is displayed in the screenshots.

If you need to learn how to create a basic map I would reccomend:
For UT99, UT2K3 & UT2K4: the Unreal Wiki.
For UT3: Waylon's Tutorials.

Scripted Destruction - Destruction Prefabs

I have set up a simple test map consisting of a slab of BSP, a skylight, a playerstart, a skydome, and a directional light.

I will only be using default editor assets which can be found in the EditorMeshes and EditorMaterials packages.

I added the default mesh cube as a static mesh to the map, converted it to an interpactor, and then made it somewhat thin.

What is a Prefab?
A prefab is a custom-built assembly of actors and/or Kismet athat is saved in a package and can be reproduced through the game as it's own discrete placable system. In other words, you can create a door system, save it as its own 'thing' and then duplicate the whole door system and place it elsewhere - you don't have to re-create it from scratch each time you want that door somewhere.
Create it once, save it once, and use it over and over again. Easily propagate changes on a single system, to all the other systems in a level.
Used in excess (the same thing over and over again) can cause lack of variation in design. Prefabs can be updated at any time, however, if individual instances of prefabs have been altered, they'll be 'reset' when the prefab is updated. The last downside is that there is no 'Select all Prefabs of this type' selection available.

Creating Prefabs:
To create a prefab, select the actors that will be part of it. Right click on them and select 'Create Prefab'. If any Kismet is attached to the items, the prefab will contain that Kismet as well. If this is the case, the Kismet must be in its own, self-contained, subsequence, otherwise the Prefab will grab all the Kismet in the 'level' that the prefab kismet is in. After 'Creating Prefab' UEd will ask you for a location to save it. Prefabs are saved in packages just like textures, materials, staticmeshes, etc... Or you can save it in your map's package. If any Kismet is attached, it wil ask you if you want to include the Kismet. Finally, it will ask you if you want to keep the system as-is, or replace it completely with an instance of the prefab.

Placing Prefabs:
Just like placing a mesh, select the Prefab in the generic browser, then right click in the world and select 'Place Prefab ___ here'. You'll see a new instance of the system appear with a large 'P' sprite at its center pivot point. You can now select the whole Prefab by clicking on any piece of it, or by selecting the giant P. If you need to select certain actors within the prefab, you can toggle 'whole' or 'piece' selection by using the 'P' icon in the toolbar in UEd.

Altering Prefabs:
If you need to make a change to a prefab that you already have set up, choose one prefab to work in. Make the changes you need to just that prefab. When finished, right-click on it, and select 'Update Prefabs from this Instance'. This will propagate the changes you made on that one prefab, to all the other prefabs based off of that one. Re-save the map/package the prefab is stored in.

Now, let's actually apply this knowledge to create a destruction prefab we can place around the level.

Destruction Prefab: Destruction in a level can be set off many ways, but the two most common are from an Event in a level, like a trigger touch, or from the item taking damage, for example from being shot by the Player. I'm going to use the final destruction assembly from the Destruction From Event/Damage tutorial as the base to build our prefab.

I already have the system assembled and ready to go. I've also made sure its associated Kismet is in its own isolated sequence.

1) Select all the pieces, right-click, and 'Create Prefab'.

2) Tell Ued where you want to save it. In my example, I saved is in a new 'Prefabs' group in my map itself. Then it asked me if I wanted to include the Kismet sequence that was a part of the system. Finally, it asked me if I wanted to replace it with an instance of the prefab. I said 'Yes'.

3) Test it. See if it still works as expected.

4) Save it. If it's in your map file, then save your map. If you put it in a seperate package, save the package.

5) Now you can select the prefab in your generic browser and place new instances, or you can duplicate your prefab in the level and move it around, and duplicate it some more.

That's about it. Prefabs are incredibly useful for scattering simple little systems around a level to 'liven' it up a little.