*Note: I created the most of the tutorials using the Roboblitz and Gears of War editors. Based on the engine, and the version, some properties specified may be in slightly different locations than what is displayed in the screenshots.

If you need to learn how to create a basic map I would reccomend:
For UT99, UT2K3 & UT2K4: the Unreal Wiki.
For UT3: Waylon's Tutorials.

Interactive Events - Destroyed

I have set up a simple test map consisting of a slab of BSP, a skylight, a playerstart, a skydome, and a directional light.

I will only be using default editor assets which can be found in the EditorMeshes and EditorMaterials packages.

I added the default mesh cube as a static mesh to the map and converted it to an interpactor. The Destroyed event will not work on Staticmeshes, but it will on Interpactors and KActors.

SetUp: Select the Interpactor/Mover in a viewport, and open Kismet. Right-Click anywhere and select 'New Event Using InterpActor -> Destroyed, as in the screenshot below:

Now we have our destroyed event that will fire when the interpactor is destroyed. Let's look at some of the properties...

• bClientSideOnly will determine whether the touch event will fire over the network. Unchecked by default, this allows the event to fire across the network.

• bEnabled allows you to control if the event is active by default, or turned on later using a toggle.

• bPlayerOnly will control if damage is recorded if the damage originates only from the player, or from anyone/thing in the level, for example bots/NPCs.

• MaxTriggerCount controls the maximum amount of times the event is allowed to fire.

• Priority controls the sequence of event firings if there are overlapping triggers.

• ReTriggerDelay controls how quickly the event can be fired again. Generally .1 is the lowest you'll want to set it. 0 would be faster, but could also cause Kismet spam and should be avoided.

Uses: Generally, there's not much call to destroy interpactors. The few situations is where there's a destruction sequence and you want the interpactor to go away in the middle, or end, of it. This event is can also be attached to Actor Factories and therefore used to detect when an actor spawned from a factory is destroyed - as in the screenshot on the AttachToEvent page.